Buying a grill in Iran
One of the most important tools that is heavily used in fast food restaurants is the grill. You should use a grill to prepare special hamburgers, various types of steaks, or cook chicken fillets. Otherwise, you cannot prepare these delicious dishes. Grills have a temperature of about 300 degrees Celsius and can prepare our delicious dishes in the shortest possible time by transferring heat to the desired cooking surface.
In general, we can divide grills into three categories; Oil grills, charcoal grills and mix grills. Each of these nodes has its own use and is used in its own space. For example, oil grills are used when you need relatively more oil to cook a meal.

What is a grill?
A device that can grill food without the need for oil. Grilling is very similar to frying. Direct flame is used in both methods. Grilling is one of the healthiest ways to cook food and is a good alternative to frying. making and using oil. With this method, food can be prepared in a healthier way.
All kinds of meat and vegetables can be prepared with the grill method. In the frying method, heat is emitted directly from the bottom, but in grilling, heat is emitted directly from the top. Definitely, in the grilling method, the nutritional value is preserved and low in calories, while with frying, the nutritional value is reduced and calories are increased. .
The grill device is one of the tools and equipment of industrial kitchens, which can be found in abundance and you can easily grill all kinds of meat and vegetables on the device. This device is available in two models. Flat and grooved models, both models It has many uses.
Usually, the grooved model is used for grilling all kinds of meat, and the flat grill is used for grilling seafood and soft foods.

Grill uses
As we said, grills are used in most fast food restaurants and they have a very high use. When you are in your fast food restaurant and you suddenly notice that there are many people to order, you have to prepare and provide their food in the shortest possible time and with a very high quality.
Otherwise, you cannot become a good and professional fast food restaurant because the customer expects to be able to get their food and eat it in a short time. For this, you have to use different types of grids. By using grills, you can prepare your desired food in the shortest possible time and with the highest possible quality and deliver it to the customer.
This is where we can understand the uses of the grill, because if you don’t use it, you have to spend a lot of time cooking hamburgers or fast food. And as we mentioned, in fast food restaurants, you don’t have much time to do work and make decisions, and you have to prepare and deliver the customer’s food as soon as possible. So, prepare your necessary foods as soon as possible by using the grill device and improve your business.
Grill application
If we don’t want to mention only fast food, we can say that these devices can be very useful for your home. Naturally, the food you use at home is not always rice and stew, and sometimes you like to choose fast food for your special guests.
You can use a grill for this. Grills can fry the delicious food you receive and deliver it to your guests in the most delicious way possible. With their very high heat, grills can prepare and deliver all kinds of food and fast food to you in the shortest possible time.
One of the most important points that you should pay attention to when working with the grill device is that when using this device, try to cut the ears or fish and anything you like to grill in thin layers and put them in the device. give Because in this case your cooking will be done faster and better.
Dear customer, you can contact our consultants to get more information about the products of Zarei refrigeration industries.
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Sales expert (Ms. Akbari): 09372034645
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- Cooking equipment, grill, heating
- All kinds of kitchen equipment, Buy a cheap grill, Buy a grill, Buy a quality grill, Buy an industrial freezer, Buying a grill in Iran, Buying an industrial gas stove, Buying an industrial refrigerator, Buying kitchen equipment, Cheap grill, grill, Grill sale, Grill sales in Iran, High quality grill, Quality grill, Types of grills, Types of grills in Iran, Types of industrial refrigerators